
The comparative of Angle-Saxish adjectives is formed by adding -er to the positive, and the superlative by adding -est.

hard, hardharderhardest

There is a second mode of comparison in which the prehistoric endings caused i-mutation of the root vowel. This mode is followed by a comparatively small number of Angle-Saxish adjectives:

brood, broadbräderbrädest
ald, oldylderyldest
äðe, easyoyðoyðest
ver, farvyrvyrrest
jung, youngjingerjincgest
gräät, greatgroytergroytest
hääch, highhoyerhoyhst
lang, longlengerlencgest
nääch, nearnäärnoyhst
schort, shortschyrterschyrtest
strang, strongstrengerstrencgest

Irregular comparison

Four adjectives have comparatives and superlatives with a different root from that of the positive:

guud, goodbeterbetst
yvel, bad, evilwyrsewyrst
miçhel, muchmoormääst
loytel, littlelässelääst

From the adverb äär, before, are formed the comparative and superlative adjectives ärre, äärst.