Nearly all Angle-Saxish adjectives (including participles) have both a strong (indefinite) and a weak (definite) form: strong guud, weak gude, which follow the strong and the weak declension respectively. Predicate adjectives, which do not precede a noun, do not have any inflection.

The weak form of the adjective is used:

  1. after the definite article and demonstrative adjectives;
  2. after a possessive adjective;
  3. in the vocative.

The following adjectives have only one form:

  1. Always strong: oon, one, uðer, second, ogen, own, wylçh, which, swylçh, such, and the possessive adjectives main, ðain, auer, juwer.
  2. Always weak: one, alone; all ordinals except uðer; all comparatives; hindeme, hindmost. Superlatives have both strong and weak forms, but as they are usually preceded by the definite article, strong forms are not common.

Strong declension

Primary paradigm

guud, good.

Masc. Neut. Fem.
Nom. guud guud gude
Acc. guden guud gude
Gen. gudes guder
Dat. gudem guder
Masc. Neut. Fem.
N. Acc. gude gude gude
Gen. guder
Dat. gudem


The rule laid down here holds good, i.e. syncope of the e of the suffixes -el, -er, before a termination beginning with e, is normal after a long root-syllable, exceptional after a short. Exceptions are not numerous. Miçhel and yvel syncopate; words in -en, such as gylden, golden, do not syncopate.

Secondary paradigm

jare, ready.

Masc. Neut. Fem.
Nom. jare jare jare
Acc. jaren jare jare
Gen. jarwes jarer
Dat. jarwem jarer
Masc. Neut. Fem.
N. Acc. jarwe jarwe jarwe
Gen. jarer
Dat. jarer

Like jare is declined vale, fallow, nare, narrow, and jele, yellow.

Secondary paradigm

hääch, high.

Masc. Neut. Fem.
Nom. hääch hääch hää
Acc. hään hääch hää
Gen. hääs häär
Dat. hääm häär
Masc. Neut. Fem.
N. Acc. hää hää hää
Gen. häär
Dat. hääm

H-stems follow the rules laid down here.

Weak declension

gude, good.

Masc. Neut. Fem.
Nom. gude gude gude
Acc. guden gude gude
Gen. guden
Dat. guden
Masc. Neut. Fem.
N. Acc. guden
Gen. gudene
Dat. gudem

It will be seen that the weak declensions of adjectives and nouns are identical.

H-stems contract, etc., much as in the strong declension.