Heer Kyneschiepes Johannes Karl and Paula Yrika, Angelsaxne Kyng and Kwien, hiuweden on Ðunresdaie, 15. Augustes 2024. After ðer Çhyrçhðienunge…
In a historic move, the Angle-Saxish capital has been officially relocated to Dierboy, a city steeped in rich history and…
A general election has been called for Thursday 27th October, as published in the Official Gazette. This follows a restructuring…
The Government of the Angle-Saxish Kingdom has today issued a warning ahead of record-breaking hot temperatures of between 95 and…
The King has in recent weeks spearheaded a Privy Council reshuffle, introducing Diana Hagenes, provisionally Hold of Lunden, as the…
His Kyneschiep Johannes Karl, Angelsaxne Kyng, and ðe Richte Oorwerðe Paula Yrika, Wäle Jerieven, wurden on Muundaie, 27. Decembres, bewedded.…
New laws were enacted by the King on Monday following approval by the Privy Council and passage through both the…
Isaak Petrus Maþeus, the firstborn son of the Earl and Countess of Mercians and the first natural Angle-Saxish citizen, was…
Yesterday, most states in America advanced their clocks by an hour and Europe will follow suit at the end of…