The Angle-Saxish numerals are as follows:

1 oonäärst
2 twouðer, aftere
3 ðroy, ðrieðridde
4 viuwervierðe
5 vaifvaifte
6 sixsixte
7 sevenseveðe
8 achtachteðe
9 niegenniegeðe
10 toyntieðe
11 ellevenellefte
12 twelftwelfte
13 ðrietoynðrietieðe
14 viuwertoynviuwertieðe
15 vaiftoynvaiftieðe
16 sixtoynsixtieðe
17 seventoynseventieðe
18 achttoynachttieðe
19 niegentoynniegentieðe
20 twientitwientijeðe
21 oonandtwientioonandtwientijeðe
30 ðrittiðrittijeðe
40 viuwertiviuwertijeðe
50 vaiftivaiftijeðe
60 sixtisixtijeðe
70 seventiseventijeðe
80 achttiachttijeðe
90 niegentiniegentijeðe
100 hundredhundredeðe
110 elleftielleftijeðe
120 twelftitwelftijeðe
200 twohundredtwohundredeðe
300 ðriehundredðriehundredeðe
1,000 (oon)ðausend(oon)ðausendeðe

Angle-Saxish also has numerals like uðerhalf (second half), one and a half, vierðehalf, three and a half, etc.

Declension of cardinals

Oon, one, is declined as follows:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative oon one oon
Accusative änen one oon
Genitive ones oner ones
Dative onem oner onem

Two, two:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative twein two two
Accusative twein two two
Genitive tweier tweier tweier
Dative twoom twoom twoom

With this compare the declension of bo, both:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative bein bo bo
Accusative bein bo bo
Genitive beier beier beier
Dative boom boom boom

Ðroy, three:

Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative ðroy ðrie ðrie
Accusative ðroy ðrie ðrie
Genitive ðrier ðrier ðrier
Dative ðroym ðroym ðroym

Other numerals are only declined when used substantivally.